" Faster Websites means more Business "
If the Web stats. and most prominent examples are quoted like Facebook, GMail, Yahoo the above formula of Google indeed is true.
A matter of fact, your site speed also helps in Search rankings.

Read more on it Here.
One thing you’ll notice from the above article over the link - you don’t always have to go for fancy images, JavaScript, Flash content, etc. to attract the notice of your visitor. Using the above approach means using more space and bandwidth on the Web Server, and on the client side keeping him waiting for the entire thing to load which for everybody is frustrating and hence not recommended. Perhaps, that approach might work for your personal websites or blogs which witnesses at the most 1000 users per day but the same for enterprise projects isn't true!
Web Users have now matured and are looking for content moreover of their interest and trying to get their intent completed ASAP. Hence the approach –
“ A good and compelling design with faster loading ”
Perhaps, after the advent of XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.0, things have indeed changed in approach and practice. You can read my post on it Here.
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